Thursday, December 8, 2011

Still Moving

We are still in the process of moving and I am so over it. I have done this many times and I have to say this is the most painful move. I am not sure if it is because I have another child since the last move or if it's because we have so much more stuff. 

I am at the point I could put a sign out the front and say "Can't be bothered moving it, so take it all". Hubby may not be so happy with that though. How did we end up with so much stuff? With Christmas is only around the corner and I know I will come home with more stuff. 

Where does it end?

The amount of bags I have dropped off to the Salvation Army, I think they may even set up a bin outside with my name on it. Anyway back to packing, not that I really want to. 

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